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Now Using Pelican, more blogs to come

Now Using Pelican, more blogs to come

Now Using Pelican, more blogs to come

Finally switched to using an SSG (static site generator) Pelican.

I have some blogs in my old WordPress site and some scattered writings, will hopefully have them all here, eventually. I liked WordPress, but it's more than I needed for my site. And I never quite groked it enough to get the functionality and theme down that I wanted without submitting to plugins. And having a WordPress site seems to be screaming "COME ATTACK ME!". My site has been static since June 2018 and I'm constantly seeing WordPress-y type of POSTs/GETs coming to the site still. HEY LEAVE ME ALONE, I'M STATIC NOW.

But so far it seems eaiser to use Pelican and use whatever theme I want. I have to still figure out how to get the blog roll on my frontpage, but that's not overally important.



Proudly powered by Pelican, which takes great advantage of Python.